27. Dezember 2017

Space Weather Workshop der NOAA

Jedes Jahr veranstaltet die NOAA einen Workshop bei dem sich führende Wissenschaftler zum Thema Space Weather und dessen Auswirkungen austauschen. Der Workshop für 2018 ist bereits geplant und aus dem Meeting 2017 sind jetzt viele interessante Vorträge online HIER verfügbar. 

Alle Themen und Vorträge HIER in der PDF die blau hinterlegten links anklicken und Ihr kommt direkt zu der Präsentation.

2017 Space Weather Workshop Agenda (with Presentations) Omni Interlocken Hotel Updated: 6/9/17 Monday, May 1 2:00 - 4:30 Electron Sensor Intercalibration (Alder Boardroom) 1:30 - 4:30 R2O2R (Research to Operations - Operations to Research) Workshop (Fir Boardroom) 3:00 - 4:30 Student Workshop - by invitation (Private Dining Room) 5:00 - 7:00 Welcome Networking Session – Sponsored by Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) (Lobby Court)
Tuesday, May 2 8:30 Conference Welcome Rodney Viereck, NOAA/SWPC 8:40 - 10:00 Space Weather Workshop 2017 Kickoff Chair: Rodney Viereck, NOAA/SWPC 8:40 Current Gaps in Understanding and Predicting Space Weather: An Operations Perspective Bill Murtagh, NOAA/SWPC 9:00 Overview of Recent U.S. Government Space Weather Policies Seth Jonas, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI) 9:20 Political Perspectives Annie Larson, Regional Director- Denver Office of Senator Cory Gardner 9:40 ESA SSA Space Weather System Juha-Pekka Luntama, European Space Agency (ESA) 10:00 - 11:00 Poster Session & Break (Solar and Interplanetary Research and Applications) 11:00 - 12:30 Economic Impacts Chair: Mark Gibbs, UK Met Office 11:00 Disaster Impact Assessment Methods for Space Weather Critical Infrastructure Failure: InputOutput Approaches and Beyond Edward Oughton, Cambridge University 11:15 The Social and Economic Impacts of Space Weather (U.S. Study) Stacey Worman, Abt Associates 11:30 Report on the ESA Space Weather Socio-Economic Study Juha-Pekka Luntama, European Space Agency (ESA) 11:45 Quantifying the Daily Economic Impact of Extreme Space Weather Due to Failure in Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Edward Oughton, Cambridge University 12:00 - 12:30 Panel Discussion 12:30 - 2:00 Lunch SWPC Tour (Please Note: Tour participants will miss afternoon session talks)) *Tour bus departs the Omni Interlocken Lobby at 12:45 PM and returns at 3 PM* 2:00 - 3:40 Executive and Congressional Space Weather Activities Chair: Bill Murtagh, NOAA/SWPC 2:00 United States Air Force Space Weather Ralph Stoffler, AFW 2:15 The National Weather Service: Agency Update Bill Lapenta, NOAA/NWS 2:30 NASA Perspective on R2O: Update Steven Clarke, NASA/Heliophysics (Presented by Elsayed Talaat) 2:45 The Office of Infrastructure Protection Jack Anderson, DHS 3:00 NSF Perspective on Space Weather R2O Paul Shepson, NSF 3:15 - 3:40 Panel Discussion 3:40 - 4:30 Poster Session & Break (Solar and Interplanetary Research and Applications) 4:30 - 5:30 Broader Space Weather Community Perspectives Chair: Geoff Crowley, ASTRA 4:30 Architecting the Future to Meet the Nation’s Space Weather Needs Dan Baker, LASP 4:50 The Space Weather Development Center: A Proposed Space Weather Community Model Solution Dan Welling, University of Michigan 5:10 R2O: A Commercial Perspective Conrad Lautenbacher, ACSWA 5:30 End of Session 5:45 - 8:00 11th Annual NOAA/ SWPC - Commercial Space Weather Interest Group (CSWIG)/American Commercial Space Weather Association (ACSWA) Summit Meeting – by invitation Wednesday, May 3 8:30 - 8:40 Space Weather Morning Forecast Shawn Dahl, NOAA/SWPC Space Weather Forecasting Office 8:40 - 9:55 R2O Challenges and Successes Chair: Elsayed Talaat, NASA/Heliophysics 8:40 NASA LWS and Research to Operations Elsayed Talaat, NASA/Heliophysics 8:55 The Air Force Research Laboratory and Space Weather R2O Michael Starks, AFRL 9:10 U.S. Commercial Sector is the R2O2R Testbed W. Kent Tobiska, ACSWA 9:25 NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Research to Operations Activities Howard Singer, NOAA/SWPC 9:40 A Hub for Advancing Science, Collaborative Development & R2O Transition Masha Kuznetsova, NASA/CCMC 9:55 - 11:00 Poster Session & Break (Ionosphere Research and Applications / General Space Weather Services and Education) 11:00 - 12:20 R2O - The End User (O) Perspective Chair: Rodney Viereck, NOAA/SWPC 11:00 Space Weather Research to Ops Transition: An Industry Perspective Jim Jones, Northrup Grumman 11:20 Power Grid Impacts Robert Arritt, EPRI 11:40 Space Weather – An Airline Perspective Tom Fahey, Delta Airlines Gary Edwards, Flight Control Special Assignment Supervisor 12:00 Rail Resilience to Space Weather Leslie McCormack, ATKINS 12:20 - 1:30 Lunch 1:30 - 2:50 Extreme Events Chair: Howard Singer, NOAA/SWPC 1:30 Extreme Space Weather Events: What Can Solar Magnetic Fields Tell Us? Jon Linker, Predictive Science, Inc. (PSI) 1:50 Modeling and Understanding Extreme Space Weather Chigomezyo Ngwira, NASA/CCMC 2:10 How Might the Thermosphere and Ionosphere React to an Extreme Space Weather Event? Tim Fuller Rowell, CIRES 2:30 Space Weather Action Plan Goal 1: Benchmarks for Extreme Space Weather Events Rodney Viereck, NOAA/SWPC 2:50 - 3:50 Poster Session & Break (Ionosphere Research and Applications / General Space Weather Services and Education) 3:50 - 5:10 GNSS Radio Occultation and COSMIC II Chair: Terry Onsager, NOAA/SPWC 3:50 FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Status Update Wei Serafino, NOAA/NESDIS 4:10 CICERO – Community Initiative for Continuing Earth Radio Occulation Conrad Lautenbacher, GeoOptics 4:30 Ionosphere Collection Capability from a 3U CubeSat GNSS-RO Constellation Timothy Duly, Spire 4:50 Space Weather Data from Commercial GNSS RO Robert Kursinski, PlanetIQ 5:10 End of Session 6:00 - 9:00 Banquet Dinner at Omni Interlocken Ballroom Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Alan Stern, Associate Vice President and Special Assistant to the President, Southwest Research Institute “The Exploration of Pluto by New Horizons” Thursday, May 4 8:40 - 9:00 Keynote: The Great Space Weather Storm of May 1967: It’s role in Space Weather as We Know It Delores Knipp, University of Colorado 9:00 - 10:00 GPS/GNSS and Space Weather I Chair: Mihail Codrescu, NOAA/SWPC 9:00 Space Weather Impacts on GPS/GNSS Keith Groves, Boston College 9:20 WAAS Ionospheric Algorithms and Threats Eric Altschuler, Sequoia Research Center (Presented by Keith Groves) 9:40 GPS/GNSS and Space Weather - Commercial Perspective Geoff Crowley, ASTRA 10:00 - 11:00 Poster Session & Break (Magnetosphere Research and Applications) 11:00 - 12:00 GPS/GNSS and Space Weather II Chair: Keith Groves, Boston College 11:00 Equatorial Scintillation Impact on GNSS Precise Positioning Services Yahya Memarzedeh, Fugro 11:20 The Positioning Services of the Norwegian Mapping Authority Knut Jacobsen, NMA 11:40 Ionospheric services for GNSS applications and related research at DLR Jens Berdermann, DLR (German Aerospace Center) 12:00 - 2:00 Lunch SWPC Tour (Please Note: Tour participants will miss afternoon session talks) *Tour bus departs the Omni Interlocken Lobby at 12:20 PM and returns at 2:30 PM* 2:00 - 3:40 Space Weather Impacts on Satellites Chair: Rob Redmon, NOAA/NCEI 2:00 Impact of Space Weather on the Satellite Industry Janet Green, Space Hazards Applications, LLC 2:20 The AE9/AP9 Radiation and Plasma Environment Models Bob Johnston, AFRL 2:40 SKYNET - SpaceWx in Operational Practice Ewan Haggarty, Airbus 3:00 2d Weather Squadron Space Weather Anomaly Assessment Support Capt Maclane Townsend, DOD 3:20 Space Weather and Launch Vehicles Ben Griffiths, Ball Aerospace 3:40 - 4:40 Poster Session & Break (Magnetosphere Research and Applications) 4:40 - 5:40 Satellite Drag Chair: W. Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies (SET) 4:40 Satellite Tracking and Collision Avoidance (DOD) Capt Fred Schmidt, DOD 5:00 Reducing Conjunction Analysis Errors with an Assimilative Tool for Satellite Drag Specification Geoff Crowley, ASTRA 5:20 Neutral Atmospheric Density Modeling and the Conjunction Assessment Problem Matthew Hejduk, Astorum Consulting, LLC 5:40 End of Session Friday, May 5 8:30 - 9:50 New Data and Missions I Chair: Howard Singer, NOAA/SWPC 8:30 SafeSky: Developing an Enterprise Strategy for Aviation Radiation Risk Management W. Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies (SET) 8:50 Space Weather Platforms and Future Capabilities Larry Zanetti, NOAA/NESDIS 9:10 Report on the “L5 in Tandem with L1: Future Space-Weather Missions Workshop” – Steps Toward a L5 Operational SWx Mission Mario Bisi, Science & Technology Facilities Council / RAL Space 9:30 Space Radiation Crew Protection and Operations for Exploration Missions Ramona Gaza, NASA/SRAG 9:50 - 10:20 Break 10:20 - 11:40 New Data and Missions II Chair: Rodney Viereck, NOAA/SWPC 10:20 Finally! GOES-16 Bill Denig, NOAA/NCEI 10:40 Advanced Technology in Small Packages Enables Space Weather Nanosatellites Tom Woods, LASP 11:00 International Space Environment Service – the Global Space Weather Service Network Terry Onsager, NOAA/SWPC 11:20 Solar Cycle Update Doug Biesecker, NOAA/SWPC 11:40 Closing Remarks Bill Murtagh, NOAA/SWPC 11:50 End of Conference

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Stichworte / Keywords

Bewusstsein (500) Auswirkungen auf Menschen (329) CME (208) Flare (201) Politik (199) geomagnetischer Sturm (173) Wege aus dem Chaos (171) Erdbeben (153) sonnensturm (146) Universum (140) Stromausfall (136) Blackout (134) Verschwörungen (132) Volksverblödung (122) Krisen (118) Naturkatastrophen (109) sonnenstürme (107) Magnetfelder (106) Sonnensturm 2013 (106) Selbsthilfe (103) Finanzmarkt (95) Militär (95) Sonnenflecken (94) sonne (89) Survival (88) Gesundheitsrisiko (83) unbekannte Objekte (82) Space Weather (78) 2012 (74) Exowissenschaften (58) NWO (58) Kosmischer Wetterbericht (53) krisenvorsorge (49) Polarlichter (48) Prepper (45) positive Energie (45) Aurora Borealis (42) Gamma Rays (41) Mythen (41) Kometen (39) Erhellendes (38) Kriegsgefahr (38) Sonnenstürme aktuell (38) Dieter Broers (37) Tipps und Tricks (36) Polsprung (34) Klima (32) X-CLASS Flare (32) MindControl (30) elektrosensitiv (30) Matrix Code (29) Offroad/Survival (29) EMP (28) Empört Euch (28) Master Key System (27) Medien (27) Sonnenwind (25) Gastbeitrag (23) Autarkie (22) Plattentektonik (22) Schuman Resonanz (21) HAARP (20) Sonnenuntergang-Sonnenaufgang (20) Bilderberg (19) Vulkane (19) Chemtrails (18) Quanten (18) MACH WAS! (16) Russland (16) Maya (15) USA (15) Heliobiologie (14) Nordlicht (14) Notgepäck (14) Asteroid/Meteroid (13) farside (13) Chronobiologie (12) Mobilfunk (12) Natur (12) weltraumbeben (11) EUROkrise (10) Fracking (10) KenFM (10) Schrödingers Katze (10) Totale Überwachung (10) Datenschutz (9) Frage der Woche (9) Plasmabomben (9) Fluchtrucksack (8) Resonanz (8) Filament Eruption (7) Planetenkonstellation (7) ISON (6) Medizin (6) NSA (6) Zensur (6) Gold (5) Satire (5) 1984 (4) Cyberwar (4) Elenin (4) Kinder (4) NASA (4) Zitate (4) EISCAT (3) ESM (3) Erde (3) Giuliana Conforto (3) Paul LaViolette (3) Tsunami (3) Weltuntergang (3) Corona (2) Kornkreise (2) Koronales Loch (2) Krieg (2) Monsanto&Co (2) Nassim Haramein (2) Quantenphysik (2) UFOs (2) ADSP (1) Catharina Roland (1) Covid 19 (1) Kraftorte (1) Lauterwasser (1) Marokko (1) Menschen (1) Pandemie (1) TTIP / TISA (1) Tornados (1) Trolls (1) Wirtschaftscrash (1)

Zitat des Jahres

..."Es gibt kein gutmütigeres, aber auch kein leichtgläubigeres Volk als das deutsche. Zwiespalt brauchte ich unter ihnen nie zu säen.
Ich brauchte nur meine Netze auszuspannen, dann liefen sie wie ein scheues Wild hinein. Untereinander haben sie sich gewürgt, und sie meinten ihre Pflicht zu tun. Törichter ist kein anderes Volk auf Erden.
Keine Lüge kann grob genug ersonnen werden: die Deutschen glauben sie. Um eine Parole, die man ihnen gab, verfolgten sie ihre Landsleute mit größerer Erbitterung als ihre wirklichen Feinde."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) über die Deutschen